Slander or Objective Opinion?

583.04Question: How can one figure out where that boundary between speaking up about someone because you want to improve the connection with this person and slander? For example, you often say that the people of Israel are not good because they do not fulfill their role. However, this is not slander. Or in any work team, people often discuss a coworker because of his actions or personality. Is it slander or not?

Answer: Slander means that a person expresses his negative opinion about someone who is absent.

However, if you discuss another coworker at work with your manager and emphasize that his qualities do not fit his function, it is not slander.

Slander is a general term that must be clothed in some specific actions and expressed somehow. But here you are not merely sitting and talking about someone because you have nothing else to do, which is called gossip or slander. Rather you are giving objective feedback about the abilities and functions of a person.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/7/24

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