Parameters of Advancement

557Question: In Rabash’s article, “The Need for an Act from Below,” in some places it is said that when there is more hatred, more love is built above it. And sometimes it is said that there is less hatred and more love, like on a scale. How is that correct?

Answer: Both are true. You cannot tell from one step where you are going relative to a past or future state.

You must constantly ensure that your attitude toward selfishness becomes more and more negative and your attitude toward your friends becomes more and more positive. These basic parameters should always be in front of you.

Question: How can I understand that I have less hatred and more love for my friends and that I have not become more indifferent to them? Before I hated, suffered from it, and prayed, but now I feel less suffering and don’t quite understand whether I have more love or more indifference to them.

Answer: You must imagine a future in close unity with your friends. That is, every step means greater unity with them. And so, you go forward.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Need for an Act from Below”

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