How Do We Get Out of Exile?

624.02Question: We are currently in exile. What does it mean to get out of it?

Answer: Try to think like the Creator, i.e., be connected with each other, help each other so that together you can rise above the egoism that pulls you down.

Question: But throughout the day, my mind is filled with various thoughts related to my egoistic desires. I constantly want something. What happens when we get out of Egypt? What is added?

Answer: A force that propels you upward is added, and you can do something with its help. It works in your mind and in your feelings. This is how it works.

Question: Rabash gives an example that one person desires bread, while another desires a beautiful house. Is this related to spiritual desires?

Answer: No, it does not matter what desires a person has. The Creator chooses what is necessary for him so that through them a person will come closer to his redemption from egoism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/8/24, Writings of Rabash “The Time of Redemption”

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