How Do You Ignore Barking Dogs?

115You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks (Winston Churchill).

Question: Overlook the haters, that is, the barking dogs, did Churchill say this correctly?

Answer: In general, yes. Yet, it is impossible not to react to this. But it is possible to respond correctly.

Question: What does the correct reaction mean?

Answer: Starting with the fact that you do not pay attention. That is, the reaction is internal, externally it is not.

Question: It is clear. What does this do to barking dogs? What does this do to haters?

Answer: It deflates them.

Question: They begin to deflate by not seeing the reaction. Could this really cool them down?

Answer: Absolutely! There is no greater means to cool down an enemy, a hater, than such an attitude toward him.

Question: Previously, they would challenge each other to a duel.

Answer: They were small, prideful people.

Question: So, you think that this is just the ego? Pride?

Answer: Certainly.

Question: Is, in reality, the big one passes by and does not pay attention?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Does it burn inside?

Answer: No, I think it does not even burn. To him, it feels like the right thing.

Question: The question remains: Do we adjust our path not according to the haters but according to criticism, or not? What do you think?

Answer: It is not necessary. If this criticism ties you even more tightly to your roots, then good. This is what needs to be checked!

Question: That is, I have a path that I follow, and if criticism binds me even more to this path, then…?

Answer: Then follow.

Question: Afterward, can you treat critics with warmth and kindness?

Answer: Certainly. It comes from the Creator.

Question: How did your teacher deal with haters? I know there were haters, and there were a lot of them.

Answer: There were many haters, but I tried not to talk about it with him and not communicate with them. And, in principle, we tried not to mention all this between us. Why, in vain, incite some bad feelings in a person?

Question: But there were haters, right?

Answer: Yes! A lot.

Question: And some real ones?

Answer: Yes, from so many sides. Both from the Torah, the study of the Ten Sefirot, the students, and other teachings.

Question: As you say, this tied him even more to the path. What was your impression?

Answer: This straightened him up.

Question: So, can this be taken as advice, if you are criticized, let’s not say harshly “they hate,” but they criticize and try to lead you astray, and then you need to cling to this path even more?

Answer: I cannot tell each and everyone and why.

Question: But what would you say to everyone when they are being pressed from all sides? How can one resist?

Answer: If you are being pressed from all sides, it is best to switch off, step aside, and look at yourself and others from outside. And you will see how right or wrong you can be. Then, make a decision.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/28/23

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Turn Hatred into Love

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