Incorporate into the Desires of Others

165Question: You said that there is a certain futility in conveying information when you do not know the other person’s desire. When asked how dissemination should work, you said, “You must take a person’s desire and ‘wear’ it yourself,” meaning, convey this information from your own experience, and only then will it work.

How do you do this? After all, each case is individual, and there is no such thing as a programmed response.

Answer: I never have programmed responses because every time I communicate with someone, I connect with them and become included in their desires.

First, I feel the entire system of creation, albeit at the level that I can perceive it. Just as a person feels our world, I feel the inner system of connection between everything, the place of that person, and my place within it. Based on this, contact occurs between us.

It does not matter what they tell me or even what I tell them. What matters is that this contact is always aimed at reaching maximum connection and maximum integration of this person into the common system of creation.

Suppose there is a particular individual element in front of me, and I connect him to the overall system precisely at the time I am communicating with them. This is what I do with each of my students.

Then, if they continue this themselves, they become an independent element in this system and act within it. But their connection was initiated by me from my side. And they must continue from their side. So, each time I seem to give birth to them on some level, in some world, and then they must continue to live.

Just as animals give birth to offspring and they are blind, unable to hold their heads up, crawl around their mother, so too must a human, who is even more helpless, try to survive, just like them.

Question: You described the state of the student relative to you. How can a student do the same thing relative to someone else?

Answer: People constantly do the same thing in their interactions with each other, but they don’t see it, don’t understand it, and of course, they operate at a much lower level.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Effective Transaction of Wisdom” 12/28/11

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