Eternal State

214Question: You say that people treat each other poorly, don’t help each other, etc. What is the right way to behave?

Answer: Until you see the entire system of creation as a whole, nothing will help. You must see it! At the very least, try to conceptualize it according to scientists’ opinions.

Suppose you don’t see a radiation field, but you fear it: “What if I am being exposed to radiation?” It’s the same here. This needs to be taught.

This is the basis for the integral upbringing and education that we are developing for everyone in the world, so that people understand that they are in one integral sphere and completely depend on each other. Each one defines the others and thereby determine their own state.

This is an eternal nature, not something temporary, to say, “Okay, I’ve lived like this, and I’ll die like this, that’s how I am.” No, this is an eternal state, and you cannot escape from it. And you, in addition to this state, appear in your animal body, and it dies, appears, and dies. But you are forever included in this sphere, in this communication among everyone, as its special element, as a part of the system called “Adam.”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Effective Transaction of Wisdom” 12/28/11

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