How to Find Oneself and not Go Mad?

760.4The main goal of a person is to find himself. Only a few succeed. Everyone else is too lazy or cowardly to follow this path over the abyss. But the one who walked along it receives real life as a reward, and not a drab existence (Erich Maria Remarque).

Question: Why does it take courage to find oneself? And he also says that it is like crossing over an abyss. Why is finding oneself such a drama?

Answer: Because you must constantly build yourself, truly stabilize yourself like a tightrope walker over the abyss.

Question: So you are balancing, then what does “falling into the abyss” mean?

Answer: Disagreeing with the Creator.

Question: So is this whole passage about agreeing with the Creator in everything? Is that the little rope?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Where does it lead?

Answer: To nowhere. Are you looking for a reward now?

Comment: We keep bumping into that all the time.

My Response: No, there is nothing to bump into here. All of this should have been broken a long time ago and thrown into that abyss.

Question: I see. So, I am walking over the abyss to nowhere? And this is called “finding oneself”?

Answer: Yes. Finding oneself means to truly reveal one’s nature in full and smile at it.

Question: Is this called “crossing over the abyss”? And this is how I find myself?

Answer: I do not know if I should say “I find myself.” I am not for the idea that a person should feel like he is winning something. He does not win anything.

Question: Then what are we living for? I always want to get something.

Answer: How do you consider yourself better than an animal? You do not question their lives. So do not question yours either.

Question: So should I abandon all hope and live like this? What is “I”?

Answer: “I” is that in me that constantly seeks the meaning of life. And that is our life.

Question: The search for the meaning of life?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Will we ever find it?

Answer: I think it will reveal itself to us all, to absolutely everyone! But not in this world, not in this existence. It is absolutely impossible to realize, grasp, or reveal the meaning of life in our world.

Question: But we still have to cross over the abyss?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, I am walking over the abyss and I know that it is not now, it is not here, and it is unknown what I will get, but I keep walking and walking?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Will I ever get something? You said, “It will reveal itself.”

Answer: You will, definitely.

Comment: It is not easy.

My Response: Do not say it is not easy or easy! It depends on how you relate to all of this. If you see the Creator, life, and so on in front of you, then you just walk, and you still want to understand what is given to you: why, what for, and how.

Question: So, all the time you seem to be saying this: do not wish for anything, do not have a desire to get something, but just go. That is how you live—just go! Can you live like that?

Answer: Yes, you can live like that.

Question: You keep walking and walking. Is this what life is?

Answer: Yes. It is easier if you do not ask, harder if you ask.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/18/23

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