Lose Yourself for the Sake of a New Degree

276.02The efforts that one makes are but preparations for achieving devotion. Hence, one should grow accustomed to devotion, since no degree can be achieved without devotion, as this is the only tool that qualifies one to be rewarded with all the degrees (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 208, “Labor”).

Question: What does it mean to lose yourself for the sake of a new degree? Is that sacrificing oneself without knowing the state we are going to?

Answer: It means losing your egoism, to stop feeling it. Without this, we will not be able to rise to the following degree. Therefore, we must be ready to sacrifice our ego.

Question: Do we sacrifice our qualities or some levels of the desire to receive?

Answer: In principle, we do not sacrifice anything. We agree that the upper light gradually annuls our egoism. Before any new state comes to us from the Creator through our friends, we must annul ourselves and be ready to help each other in everything.

We need to be in this direction all the time, to want to get closer to the Creator, to turn our state in such a way as to be in unity with Him. The main thing is to not stop and move forward. There is a better future prepared for all of us.

Question: How can we effectively build a new level so that it is in love and bestowal?

Answer: To do this you just have to love.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Labor”

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