Enter the Creator’s Palace

268.02Question: What does it mean to enter the palace, and what are the changes in a person regarding his work?

Answer: To enter the palace of the Creator means to be with Him in conjunction with your and His external form as one whole. It is not a merger with the Creator, but a convergence with Him.

Question: How do you overcome all obstacles that the Creator gives? How can you avoid thinking that the door may be closed and open it?

Answer: It is possible only if several people move in the same direction and press the door together. The rejecting forces are not stronger than you. It all depends on how much you are in it together.

Your task is to merge with the Creator, that is, to cling to the property of bestowal, to the property of giving, to the property through which you can connect with all creations.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/15/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Sage Comes to Town”

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