Questions about Spiritual Work—67

245.10Question: Can the memory of a past perfect state be a way of returning from an imperfect state to the next perfect state? Or is this knowledge not necessary to remember?

Answer: Usually, we strive to be in new states. Therefore it is better not to remember the old ones. Even if you remember, it will not give you anything at that moment. Every time, everything happens anew.

Question: If I see my ten as perfect and I attribute this perfection to myself as well, since I am part of this ten, is this pride?

Answer: No, if you get such a feeling from the ten and want to join, it is not pride.

Question: How can pride in the work help develop humility?

Answer: To kill one’s pride, a person must become proud that he is destroying it.

Question: The feeling that you are already perfect is like a film on your heart that does not want to reveal self-love. How do you remove this film from the heart?

Answer: The best way to cleanse the heart from its surrounding film is to rub one heart against another.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Sing unto the Lord, for He Has Done Pride”

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