Questions about Spiritual Work—64

249.01Question: When a friend has obstacles and problems in the ten, it seems so simple and easy that I want to give advice. But is it better to show an example or continue to sort out the situation?

Answer: It is best to show an example. If this example is displayed correctly, it is necessary to repeat it.

Question: What is a free, strong desire to merge with the Creator?

Answer: A free, strong desire is a desire that is freed from Klipot and rushes to the Creator.

Question: Are the various temptations of the material world the biggest obstacles for us, or is it still a bad relationship between us?

Answer: In fact the biggest obstacle lies in the relationship between us in the group. The obstacles may be of a completely different type, but that is the reason.

Question: There are states when, after connecting with friends, you feel lightness and joy from connection, and sometimes there are states when serious heaviness occurs. Are both of these states correct or not?

Answer: Both are correct. In general, all states are necessary because all of them, one way or another, twist us and direct us to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “With a Mighty Hand and with Fury Poured Out”

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