Audio Version Of The Blog – 1/19/24

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Awe and Love

558Question: How are the concepts of awe and love related?

Answer: Sometimes they complement each other and sometimes cancel each other out. We need to examine this.

Question: Are such states signs of falling into egoism or normal dynamics?

Answer: This is a general dynamic, not a backward movement. We must go through ascents and descents because that is the only way we move forward.

Question: What is primary: awe or love?

Answer: Love.

Question: Do both qualities manifest equally in the Torah and the work?

Answer: Mostly in the Torah.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/5/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Two Discernments in the Torah and in the Work”

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Torah—The General Laws of Communication

231.01Question: After they came out of the cave, Rabbi Shimon and his son gathered eight more disciples and began writing The Book of Zohar, which is a commentary on the Torah. Does it turn out that despite the complexity of The Book of Zohar, the Torah is even more encoded?

Answer: Of course, the Torah is more encoded than The Book of Zohar. It cannot be understood in simple terms. It is revealed gradually over many thousands of years.

Question: When Rabbi Shimon meets with Rabbi Pinchas, he says that all the commandments of the Torah that the Creator gave to Israel are written in the Torah in a general way (“Rabbi Shimon’s Exit from the Cave,” Zohar for All).

What does “in a general way” mean?

Answer: Each person must reveal the commandments individually, for himself, since each of us is a consequence of the Torah. Therefore, in studying The Book of Zohar, one must rise to such a level that he would see the root of his soul and what he must correct in this world.

In other words, the Torah describes the general laws of communication between a person and the Creator. A person, reveals it for himself and attains spirituality in a private form. At any given period of time, someone, in whom this desire awakens can somehow implement these general laws.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 12/24/23

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Learn to Bestow

938.02Question: Rabash writes in his articles that in a group of like-minded people, a person should openly show love for others to develop this feeling in others. But what about modesty?

Answer: What does modesty have to do with it? If I treat others well, why should I be modest? On the contrary by showing them my good attitude, I continue this line in the world. People can see that this kind of behavior is beneficial for everyone.

Comment: The fact is that according to Rabash, people should come to the group to engage in bestowing without any reward and not for the sake of reward. But if we bestow to each other and deliberately show it, it turns out that people will gather in groups for the sake of an egoistic pastime because they feel good there.

My Response: I think that also would be good in modern times.

We need to learn to bestow and try to bestow in practice to those friends who see that you are trying to implement what you are learning and thus really come closer to the correct interconnection.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/19/23

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Questions about Spiritual Work—59

281.02Question: Regarding the property of love for the Torah and for the Creator, does love include the property of fear?

Answer: They touch in some ways, but not necessarily. Love can extinguish any fear.

Question: You said one does not need to stand out among friends, but rather should go along with everyone. But then, how can one give an example to others?

Answer: If you do it for the sake of example, then it is another matter.

Question: How can a person help himself when the Creator disconnects him from spirituality?

Answer: The Creator does not disconnect anyone. By this feeling, He demands prayer from a person.

Question: Our main work in the Torah is morning lessons. Lately, after reading the article, you are asking what our impression is. What do you want to clarify by this?

Answer: Each article talks about something different. I want you to react to it or at least to some of its features.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/5/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Two Discernments in the Torah and in the Work”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—58
Questions about Spiritual Work—57
Questions about Spiritual Work—56

The Eternal Is Called Spiritual

537Spiritual reality does not depend on time and space; it does not change; everything depends on the person attaining it. This is how it differs from material reality.

Every spiritual picture or form that we attain lives and exists forever. After all, concepts such as time, place, movement, and change do not apply to it.

We cannot even imagine how this can happen without changes. After all, we are talking about different spiritual states that we experience, and we do not understand how it is possible that nothing changes in spiritual reality.

In fact, the spiritual remains the same, but our attainment of the spiritual is constantly improving.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Spirituality Is Called That Which Will Never Be Lost”

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There Must Be at Least Two

767.4Question: How did it happen that Rabbi Shimon and his son Elazar, who hid in a cave for 13 years, attained all spiritual levels?

You have always said that a Kabbalist is rewarded with attainment in connection with all of humanity when he is within his people.

Answer: This is true, but things do not always happen in a way we would like. For them, this happened under such tragic circumstances when they lived in a cave, ate carob fruits, and drank water from a spring located in the cave.

Question: Is it possible for two to attain the laws of the universe?

Answer: Yes, even two people together can reach the highest degrees. That is what they were able to do.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 12/24/23

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Karlsson Is Not the End Result of Life

961.2Comment: Astrid Lindgren, who wrote the popular Karlsson-on-the-Roof series of children’s books, suddenly said this phrase in a very adult way: “All is vanity of vanities and chasing after the wind. We are all the same. We all were nice kids once. The kids have grown up and will die. What does it matter if your book has been translated into 50 languages?”

Where does this wisdom come from, and why does it come with age: “All that I have written, these 50 languages into which Karlsson has been translated, all this, what is it? This is my life, and I do not even think that this is some kind of end result of my life. I am not holding on to it.”

Does a person come to this only with old age, as King Solomon once did?

My Response: Yes. That is what remains of a person. Everything else already remains in people.

Question: Do I leave with “I did everything I could, and it will remain for people”? Is this the correct formula?

Answer: Yes, it is the correct formula. Because the next generations are going through what you left them.

Question: Let us imagine that this came not to an older person, but to a very young one. Some teenager has already come up with the idea that “everything is vanity of vanities.” Is it good, or is it, in fact, bad?

Answer: It usually comes to people who need to hear it. They somehow process it in themselves.

Question: Does it mean that if it comes to a young man, then it is only outwardly that we see that he is a young man, and maybe his soul is already mature?

Answer: Yes, probably, he already has some preparation for this. Otherwise, he would not have heard this.

Question: If it comes to him at that age, did he come into this world for something?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/16/23

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 1/19/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Is Revealing a Portion and Covering Two Portions in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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Selected Highlights

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