How To Get An Answer To The Question Regarding The Meaning Of Life?

 202When a person wonders about the meaning of life and shares his concerns with his friends, they often do not understand him at all and ask: “What is wrong with you? What do you want?” This is what we see in the world today.

Usually such people turn to a psychoanalyst, who says: “You are depressed, you have questions to which, in principle, there are no answers. This is some kind of disorder.” A normal person should live within the framework of our world and find his fulfillment and satisfaction in it.

He must accept this life as a normal human existence. And although we have a question about death, we sense it just like animals do, but we understand its inevitability and nevertheless exist.

During the Soviet era, we were diligently taught that nature is infinite, eternal, perfect, and we gradually have to reach maximum harmony in order to live happily, safely, joyfully, beautifully, and comfortably, meaning that our animal existence should be very good, comfortable, nice, and that’s it.

Comment: The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that a normal person should not question the meaning of life.

My Response: He was right, because there is no answer to this question. And if it remains unanswered, then it arises from some painful conditions that are unnatural for us. Therefore, it is considered unhealthy.

It is the question about the meaning of life, about deep otherworldly states, where did I come from, and what is it that exists there?

Such questions lead humanity to very unreasonable actions, religious wars, all kinds of misconceptions, and thousands of all sorts of paradigms, and we do not know what to do with them.

There are various ramifications that emerge and the separation of mankind according to approaches to life and death. People who invent all sorts of rituals, religions, methods, and beliefs profit from this. And all this spins around the question of death and the meaning of life.

Therefore, Freud offers a very simple solution. We exist within sensible limits, and outside of them, we have no understanding, no feeling, no solutions whatsoever. Therefore, everything that arises outside of this frame is the fruit of our imagination. Let’s not touch it, it always leads us to suffering. Let’s lock ourselves within the framework of our world, and we will live for ourselves and the future generation.

In the same way the Soviet government once brought us up very simply and very primitively. By the way, the very first societies at the dawn of mankind were communist. Meaning, we live for ourselves and for our children. That is all. And in this we find our satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness.

Question: Is the science of Kabbalah engaged in what gives a person the answer to the question about the meaning of life?

Answer: Kabbalah is engaged in first raising a person to the level of this question and then giving an answer to it. But if a person does not want to delve into it, if he does not have the motivation to do so, Kabbalah does not come to him.

And even if a person begins to be interested in revealing this question through Kabbalah, it does not immediately give him an answer. It is like it is telling him: “You have to develop yourself to the point where you are aware of this question yourself, and then you will gradually begin to reveal the answer to it.”
From KabTV’s “Close-Up, Is Frankl right?” 8/8/10

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