Learn to Bestow

938.02Question: Rabash writes in his articles that in a group of like-minded people, a person should openly show love for others to develop this feeling in others. But what about modesty?

Answer: What does modesty have to do with it? If I treat others well, why should I be modest? On the contrary by showing them my good attitude, I continue this line in the world. People can see that this kind of behavior is beneficial for everyone.

Comment: The fact is that according to Rabash, people should come to the group to engage in bestowing without any reward and not for the sake of reward. But if we bestow to each other and deliberately show it, it turns out that people will gather in groups for the sake of an egoistic pastime because they feel good there.

My Response: I think that also would be good in modern times.

We need to learn to bestow and try to bestow in practice to those friends who see that you are trying to implement what you are learning and thus really come closer to the correct interconnection.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/19/23

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