The Commandment of Correction

624.02The tenth commandment—putting on Tefillin [phylacteries] and to complete himself in the ‎upper form means in spiritual terms the correction of basic egoistic desires, which we must limit and turn into good desires.

Placing of Tefillin on the arm and on the head symbolizes correction of thoughts and correction of actions.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 12/10/23

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Mitzvot (Commandments) – The Correction Of Desires
The Creator And The Creation: A Hand And A Glove

Only In the Ten

530Comment: In one of Rabash’s articles about the group, he writes that when friends gather together, they raise the importance of each other and the Creator, raise a prayer, and then they feel that now they have earned great wealth.

I think that this is the way we create the screen.

My Response: Yes, this is how a screen is created; it is when people unite with each other and want to help each other. In this unity, the screen is formed between them.

Question: Is there any other way to build a screen?

Answer: No. Only in the ten.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 12/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And They Sewed Fig Leaves“

Related Material:
A Whole Group Of Ten
The Ten—A System Of Ten Sefirot
A Group And Groups Of Ten

How Can I Acquire the Quality of Forgiveness?

507.03Question: You said that the main thing is to forgive your friends. Is the act of forgiveness the result of working with egoism when I can set myself up like this, or will I be able to perform this action only if the quality of bestowal comes?

Answer: Of course it is better if the quality of bestowal comes. From it, you will forgive everyone, love everyone, and get closer to everyone.

Question: And if I do not respond to evil, is that forgiveness?

Answer: Not responding to evil is good. Although this may not always be true, but in general, it should be so.

Question: Let’s say I do not respond to evil, but it remains inside. How should I work with it? Perhaps we should still ask for the quality of bestowal? After all, no matter how I twist my egoism, I still feel that there is no quality of forgiveness in egoism.

Answer: That is right, there is not. Egoism accompanies us almost to the final correction. Only at the last stop does it jump off and disappear. Then we see that, in principle, it helped us achieve our goal.

You are just starting to work on yourself, so there is still time; all this will come, both the quality of forgiveness and the quality of all-forgiveness. In the meantime, try to be as friendly as possible to each other. The main thing is to get closer in hearts in the ten.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And They Sewed Fig Leaves“

Related Material:
Do We Need To Forgive?
Transform Everything Into Something Good
Do I Forgive The Offender?

When I Feel Hated

961.2Question: A sage sat at the city gates as a man passed by he turned to the sage and asked: “Tell me, Father, what kind of people live in this city, good or evil?”

The sage replied: “Tell me about the city you’re from, what kind of people live there?”

“They are evil, cruel, and selfish,” the man replied.

“The same people live here,” the old man answered, and the man left.

Some time later, another man came to the gate. He asked the same question. The sage replied in the same way: “What kind of people live in your city?”

The man said: “I have a lot of friends left in the city, and the people there are good and kind.”

The old man said, “You will find the same people here.”

My conundrum is that it seems quite strange that what kinds of people live in my city it depends on me.

Answer: In general, yes.

Question: Meaning, if the first one said bad people live there, he was told the same is awaiting you here. And if there were good people there, then he’d find similar people here.

What is it? How does this mechanism work?

Answer: It is based on a person’s attitude toward society. The way one relates to society, that is what he feels.

Question: What if they hate me?

Answer: But why do they hate you? It didn’t just appear today. It is a result of your behavior.

Question: So if I see haters who dislike me, I have to ask myself: why do they hate me?

Answer: Yes, that is the only way.

Question: And what if I don’t determine, for example, why they hate me, as it usually happens?

Answer: It means you are justifying yourself.

Question: So basically I have to find the answer?

Answer: You have to find positive feelings in yourself and the same in others.

Question: So I should find why they hate me within me, and try to change something about myself. And if I can do something in regard to the hater, will he change toward me?

Answer: He will change. Help everyone and they will change.

Question: So should I even bother to justify this hatred coming at me?

Answer: This is human nature. If you perceive it correctly, you will perceive him the same way.

Question: In this case, should I consider it my nature or his selfish nature?

Answer: It is his selfish nature; that is how people are, but I’m showing them an example of the right attitude.

Question: And if I’m triggered, obviously inflamed, and want to respond in some way?

Answer: Then don’t. I will not respond or be enraged. I will extinguish it within myself.

Question: When you say extinguish, it seems almost forced?

Answer: Maybe in a way I am forcing myself because despite the fact that I want to answer, I don’t answer; I want to enter into an argument, but I don’t. And this will have a result.

Comment: But you know, they usually say when you bend the bow too much, it springs back hard.

My Response: That is when we don’t apply effort. If we go about it the right way, consistently, then acting this way prevails.

Question: Do you believe in these exercises?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do I develop a habit of turning to myself and examining myself all the time? Will I develop something then?

Answer: Yes, you will develop an even, correct attitude toward people. You will learn to forgive them, and then everything will work out.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/20/23

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The Concept of a New Life
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How To Cope With The Shock Of Hate?