Audio Version Of The Blog – 1/31/24

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The Creator Will Hear Everything without Words

253Question: How do I treat states when it is unclear what the purpose the Creator gives them to me for is? How do I go through them correctly?

Answer: Just ask Him. Moreover, if you think that everything you go through you receive from Him, you have the right to turn to Him and ask any questions.

Question: When I am in the state of “storm,” it is as if it exposes me. At this moment, there is no time to ask the Creator questions. Would it be right just to grit my teeth, shut up, and stop myself?

Answer: Lie low and keep it to yourself. Slowly release what you want to say from your heart. Let the Creator gradually hear all this without words.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Commentary on the Psalm, ‘For the Winner over Roses’”

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Continue the Friendship

934This is why they wanted to continue their friendship from before, from the time they were in the form of “Lord, I heard the report of You, and I am afraid” (Zohar, Beresheet 4:7). This means that with the strength they had extended from the past, they could endure the states and go from strength to strength. (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 101, “A Commentary on the Psalm, ‘For the Winner over Roses’”).

Question: What does it mean to continue a friendship as if this is a state that we can artificially take out of thin air? How does one continue a friendship?

Answer: To continue a friendship means to want concealment to go away and revelation to appear, the storm to subside so a soft, good state can be established in which we can connect.

The stronger the state of the storm, the more connected we become to each other. Even though the storm hinders us and separates us, on the other hand, it makes us cling to each other.

To continue our friendship, we need to help each other get out of our hurricane state that erases everything between us and does not allow us to connect.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Commentary on the Psalm, ‘For the Winner over Roses’”

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For the Light to Shine on Everyone

938.02Question: It is written “precisely when the righteous of the generation extends illumination of Hochma, his mind shines in the whole of Israel.” Who is Israel?

Answer: Israel is all those who yearn for spirituality, absolutely everyone. At the same time, neither nationality, gender, nor anything else matters. The main thing is to have a desire.

Then, as is written in the sources, a general light shines on society and reflects on everyone without exception. The whole society can perform actions in the quality of faith. Therefore, we must be more responsible for our deeds, actions, and thoughts.

Question: What kind of faith and actions are we talking about?

Answer: We are talking about faith above reason and about actions of complete bestowal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/16/24, Writing of Baal HaSulam “Why We Need to Extend Hochma

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Hand In Hand with the Creator

154Question: In Shamati 101: “A Commentary on the Psalm ‘For the Winner over Roses,’” Baal HaSulam writes that only the one who has attained the light of faith can say: “My work is for the king.” How does one achieve this during the preparation period?

Answer: During the preparation period it is necessary to strive for unity, and when you reach it, then you will understand what you have achieved.

Question: A person goes through many states and sees that he cannot do anything and that only the Creator can lead us through all states. A feeling arises that during the preparation period, we are preparing a special Kli for meeting the Creator. Is this Kli called Shoshanim?

Answer: It does not matter what it is called. What matters is what you experience. You passionately desire the Creator to take you by the hand and lead you into these states like a little child you take by the hand and he walks with you.

This is what we need to expect from the Creator’s actions on us. And then we will see the whole world from end to end and feel that everything is filled with the light of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Commentary on the Psalm, “For the Winner over Roses”

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Approach the Creator

252Question: What does it mean to be invited to spiritual work, and how do we verify this?

Answer: When a person receives some desire, even the smallest opportunity for spiritual work, it is said that the Creator is inviting him.

Question: Should we feel suffering on the path and does it have a specific role?

Answer: Suffering has a very high role since it brings us closer to the goal of creation.

When we experience suffering, we want to escape from it. But in this way the Creator gradually directs us toward Himself. And step by step, we come closer to Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Sing unto the Lord, for He Has Done Pride”

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Seek a Blessing from the Creator

936Question: When you feel that you are in a sacred environment where everyone shares the same love for the same thing as you, there is a sense of a tremendous gift. I would like this gift to spread to other people as well. How can we make others feel the same, common love?

Answer: Approach your friends and together organize a request to the Creator for Him to manifest Himself more.

Question: Should we ask the Creator for blessings on this work every time?

Answer: Always! In the ten it is expressed in the desire to receive strength and knowledge from the Creator about how to work with your life in order to raise it to the degree of the spiritual world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/17/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Field that the Lord Has Blessed”

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Questions about Spiritual Work—67

245.10Question: Can the memory of a past perfect state be a way of returning from an imperfect state to the next perfect state? Or is this knowledge not necessary to remember?

Answer: Usually, we strive to be in new states. Therefore it is better not to remember the old ones. Even if you remember, it will not give you anything at that moment. Every time, everything happens anew.

Question: If I see my ten as perfect and I attribute this perfection to myself as well, since I am part of this ten, is this pride?

Answer: No, if you get such a feeling from the ten and want to join, it is not pride.

Question: How can pride in the work help develop humility?

Answer: To kill one’s pride, a person must become proud that he is destroying it.

Question: The feeling that you are already perfect is like a film on your heart that does not want to reveal self-love. How do you remove this film from the heart?

Answer: The best way to cleanse the heart from its surrounding film is to rub one heart against another.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Sing unto the Lord, for He Has Done Pride”

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Questions about Spiritual Work—66
Questions about Spiritual Work—65
Questions about Spiritual Work—64

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 1/31/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “What Does It Mean that Our Sages Said, ‘King David Did Not Have a Life,’ in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 2, Part 7, Item 9

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Selected Highlights

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