Hand In Hand with the Creator

154Question: In Shamati 101: “A Commentary on the Psalm ‘For the Winner over Roses,’” Baal HaSulam writes that only the one who has attained the light of faith can say: “My work is for the king.” How does one achieve this during the preparation period?

Answer: During the preparation period it is necessary to strive for unity, and when you reach it, then you will understand what you have achieved.

Question: A person goes through many states and sees that he cannot do anything and that only the Creator can lead us through all states. A feeling arises that during the preparation period, we are preparing a special Kli for meeting the Creator. Is this Kli called Shoshanim?

Answer: It does not matter what it is called. What matters is what you experience. You passionately desire the Creator to take you by the hand and lead you into these states like a little child you take by the hand and he walks with you.

This is what we need to expect from the Creator’s actions on us. And then we will see the whole world from end to end and feel that everything is filled with the light of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Commentary on the Psalm, “For the Winner over Roses”

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