In the Same Direction

544Question: In “As Though Standing before a King“ (211), Baal HaSulam says that a person should be careful in all the material things that he receives so that they do not cancel out his Hisaron (spiritual need). How does the ten help a person in this?

Answer: Try, in your common desire for the Creator, to imagine that you are in front of Him, that you support each other, that you turn to Him together, and that you have no problems other than remaining in connection with Him. Be together with all your friends in the ten in the same direction so that the common aspiration for an even greater rapprochement with the Creator becomes constant.

You must try to see the Creator in front of you all the time and hold on to Him. If you constantly imagine that He is in front of you, then gradually you will succeed.

Therefore, a practical tool for your spiritual work is to imagine the power of the Creator before you. And when He answers you, i.e., draws you closer, you will begin to see the world differently.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/16/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “As Though Standing before a King“

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