Audio Version Of The Blog – 1/28/24

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“Human Synchronicity (The Metronome Effect)” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman on the Times of Israel: “Human Synchronicity (The Metronome Effect)
The metronome effect provides a striking parallel to the complex tapestry of human interaction and interconnectedness. After multiple metronomes are randomly set in motion, they eventually synchronize on the same pulse.

What gives metronomes their synchronicity? It is their common foundation. Much like these pulsing devices, humanity finds itself moving in diverse directions, akin to metronomes placed on different bases. The fundamental question then arises: What foundation can unify the varied trajectories of humanity and guide us toward harmonious coexistence?

The answer is in the law of absolute interdependence. This law stipulates that every person is interconnected with others, and each action resonates with collective consequences. Accordingly, we view humanity as a global village where everyone is mutually dependent. But how do we translate such awareness into tangible behavioral change?

We cannot force a positive change of our interdependent connections. On the contrary, we need to voluntarily commit ourselves to the law of interdependence, which becomes possible when we see that negative relations in an interdependent world lead us to unbearable consequences.

Our negative attitudes to each other pave the road to a soon-approaching dead end. One way or another, we will need to undergo a shift in our attitudes to each other from negative to positive, or in other words, from egoistic and divisive to loving and caring of each other. If we fail to voluntarily embrace such a transformation, then the laws of nature, which are fundamentally altruistic laws of love, will increasingly tighten our interconnections until we feel that without changing our attitudes to each other, we will simply finish ourselves off.

The more we understand how nature operates on us and where it leads us, the more definitively we should reach the conclusion that we need to embrace a shift to positive human connections throughout humanity. The metronome effect serves as a poignant metaphor, urging us to find a common foundation and move in harmony toward a future defined by mutual consideration and love.

For the Shoots of the Spiritual Harvest to Sprout

947Question: I want to become similar to the Creator. What particularly attracts and gives me greatness of the Creator is His self-annulment, His humility, and the fact that He does everything and does not manifest Himself anywhere. How can one achieve this annulment, how can one achieve such a blessing?

Answer: It happens naturally. When a person engages in Kabbalah correctly, under the influence of the upper light, he receives such an impact from above that he becomes humble. What does he need? Just to lean on the Creator. This means to desire nothing except that all the goodness emanating from the Creator into this world will pass through the soil and the shoots will sprout.

Question: We are approaching the convention now. What advice would you give on how to achieve this annulment in the world group right at the convention?

Answer: Think that we all must be together in mutual annulment toward each other, and then from us will grow exactly the crop that needs to grow in the field and will feed all people in the world, both spiritually and physically.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/17/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Field that the Lord Has Blessed”

Related Material:
To Become Similar To The Creator
How Can We Become Like The Creator?
The Soul Is the Part of One’s Desire That’s Similar to the Creator

Let Everyone into Your Heart

942Question: How can the world Kli tens properly merge into the convention?

Answer: I open my heart to everyone. Let everyone enter it. Everything that I receive from the Creator, I am ready to give to everyone. I constantly take care of this connection between us. Then we will succeed.

Question: But we will go through many different states at the convention. Something will distract me, maybe even throw me out of the state of unity. How do I stick to this particular point?

Answer: Don’t get distracted. Stick to all the hearts, gather them in your hands, and hold them together as one common heart. This is the only way you will feel constantly connected with the whole Kli and with the Creator. The main thing is to think about unity, about the common heart of the convention.

Question: Precisely when I work in the ten?

Answer: You don’t work in the ten, you work in everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/20/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Time of Descent”

Related Material:
Let Everyone Enter Into My Heart
Let’s Open Our Hearts
Opening Hearts

With What Desires Should We Come To the Convention?

938.02Question: In preparation for the convention, we are solving simple issues of the corporeal world, for example, where the congress participants will sleep and what they will eat. Should we look for an opportunity to direct these ordinary desires to the Creator?

Answer: No, everything should be built by a ladder. Since you are gathering with your friends, you must make sure that there is an appropriate place, food, and everything you need. There is no need to turn to the Creator for this.

We turn to Him only so that He will connect us and send us special desires and connection of the hearts.

Question: With what desires should I come to the convention in order to bring contentment to the ten and the Creator?

Answer: With the desire to connect all the friends within yourself. You take the whole group, embrace it both physically and mentally, and raise it to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Cannot Be an Empty Space in the World”

Related Material:
Let’s Open Our Hearts
A Heart-Opening Convention
Convention Like The Beating Of One Heart

Convention: Making a Big Correction in the World

938.03Question: Now at the convention, we will gather with friends in the tens and try to feel the internal connections between us. How can we come together to the first condition of the prayer that only the Creator can correct us?

Answer: Talk about this with your friends and make sure that they think the same way that only the Creator can correct your condition.

Question: And how can we together with the whole world Kli cultivate this common cry?

Answer: To do this, you should try together to get as close to each other as possible, embrace everyone, feel the vibrations of your friends, and unite with them so that there is no space between you.

Come together, bring yourself closer to a global connection, and we will make a big correction in the world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Three Conditions in Prayer”

Related Material:
What Should We Focus on during a Kabbalah Convention?
Let Everyone into Your Heart
With What Desires Should We Come To the Convention?

Toward Global Correction

942Question: Lately we have been not just making prayers, but some kind of cry and demand to the Creator to help us correct ourselves so that we can have peace in the world. What is it?

Answer: This means that your heart begins to really open up and demand correction. This will lead us to universal correction.

The most important thing in our work is to unite and feel like we exist together, as if we are one, so that a group or several groups, or all students in general, stop feeling that there is some kind of separation between them. And then we will feel a greater revelation of what we want to attain.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Two Discernments in Attainment”

Related Material:
The Force of Unity
The Force of Unity Is the Most Powerful!
Unity Is A New Reality

How Can We Not Be Afraid of Obstacles on the Spiritual Path?

276.02Question: What does “the soul teaches a man” mean?

Answer: This means that a person perceives through his soul all the problems that the Creator puts on his path so that he can ask Him for help to overcome them.

Question: How can we not be afraid of obstacles on the path?

Answer: On the contrary, rejoice if problems arise before you because this is a reason to once again contact the Creator, complain to Him, and make some demands.

He will listen to everything with pleasure since He Himself creates obstacles for you so that you will turn to Him, and He Himself will help you overcome them. If it were not for problems, then you would have no reason to maintain contact with the Creator.

The result of the correct appeal to Him should be the feeling of the Creator, His force, because only with its help can you deal with all your problems.

Question: Is there something we bestow to the Creator in this approach?

Answer: Our requests are what we bestow to Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/15/24, The Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Sage Comes to Town”

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Disturbances Are The Creator’s Language
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What To Do If the Heart Is Silent?

600.02 Natalia writes:

Dear Michael Laitman, tell me what to do when the heart closes, when sensitivity goes away, and I see that I can no longer respond to the pain and suffering of others, even the closest people? I stop being sensitive to their suffering. I’m scared of this! I don’t want to become indifferent. What should I do in this case?

Answer: What to do? In this case, you just have to bestow to people. And then you will find meaning in it, you will see meaning in it.

Question: When you say “to bestow,” what do you mean?

Answer: To help, to react to other people in some way, to see what they need, if you do this, you will justify your existence and get closer to the revelation of the Creator not just at the gate of tears, but at the closest gate.

Question: So, you’re saying: “Don’t dig into yourself, don’t look for what I am?

Answer: No, think less about yourself.

Question: Only from oneself outward?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/25/23

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What Can You Do If the Heart Resists?
Man Is Someone Who Is Compassionate
Indifferent Compassion

How Can You Move to the Right Line?

547.06Question: How can a person move to the right line from some neutral state?

Answer: I do not think that a person can instantly move to the right line because he still has a lot of various properties that are opposite to the Creator.

You must collect the correct attitude toward the Creator from your ten, demonstrate it to everyone, and ask for confirmation that you have the correct attitude toward the Creator. Then a right line will begin to appear.

At the same time, you develop strength in the right line. In this case, you attract the whole Kli to this line, and thus reach its correction, but only through yourself. Then the rest of your friends should follow you.

In other words, when you call on the ten to unite with a certain intention, for a certain purpose, and the ten agrees and unites with you, then they are already together in the right line.

Question: How can I check if I am in the right or only in the left line?

Answer: You are in one line if all three lines come together for you, and you are in the right line only when you are able to be in connection with someone and fully justify what comes to you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/13/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning Help that Comes from Above”

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Working With The Right Line
At the Seam of Two Lines
Right And Left Lines