How Can We Not Be Afraid of Obstacles on the Spiritual Path?

276.02Question: What does “the soul teaches a man” mean?

Answer: This means that a person perceives through his soul all the problems that the Creator puts on his path so that he can ask Him for help to overcome them.

Question: How can we not be afraid of obstacles on the path?

Answer: On the contrary, rejoice if problems arise before you because this is a reason to once again contact the Creator, complain to Him, and make some demands.

He will listen to everything with pleasure since He Himself creates obstacles for you so that you will turn to Him, and He Himself will help you overcome them. If it were not for problems, then you would have no reason to maintain contact with the Creator.

The result of the correct appeal to Him should be the feeling of the Creator, His force, because only with its help can you deal with all your problems.

Question: Is there something we bestow to the Creator in this approach?

Answer: Our requests are what we bestow to Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/15/24, The Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Sage Comes to Town”

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