The Force of Unity Is the Most Powerful!

931.01Question: If a person unites with one’s friends, then in this he or she reveals the single force that acts throughout the world?

Answer: Yes. Exactly. We must draw closer to each other so that the Creator, as a single force, can reveal itself in our unity.

And then we will see, learn, understand, and feel everything that is really happening in the world: the causes, consequences, and our actions.

Question: When a Kabbalist connects with the Highest through his group, how does he look at what seems to be happening in the outside world outside the framework of his connection with his friends?

Answer: This happens outside the framework of his unity but together with his unity with his friends because we have not yet reached a state where the power of our unity can change everything for peace. And that is why we work in this way.

The power of our unity can change the world. It is the strongest! Through the power of unity we can convince the Creator to do whatever is necessary. After all, we reach unity, and from unity we cannot do wrong.

Then we turn to the Creator in a completely different way based on our new circumstances, from what we feel in the unity. And so we will move forward. We will as if guide the Creator as a common universal force, and He will fulfill our desires although, in principle, they will be the same as ours.

Question: If we can control the Creator from the point of unity, then we will be able to cancel His control, such as, for example, bombs or some other unpleasant things?

Answer: Yes, it is said that the Creator as if designs, and man cancels. And we will be able to cancel all the bad, unnecessary, harmful influences on our world from above.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/10/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

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