How Can You Move to the Right Line?

547.06Question: How can a person move to the right line from some neutral state?

Answer: I do not think that a person can instantly move to the right line because he still has a lot of various properties that are opposite to the Creator.

You must collect the correct attitude toward the Creator from your ten, demonstrate it to everyone, and ask for confirmation that you have the correct attitude toward the Creator. Then a right line will begin to appear.

At the same time, you develop strength in the right line. In this case, you attract the whole Kli to this line, and thus reach its correction, but only through yourself. Then the rest of your friends should follow you.

In other words, when you call on the ten to unite with a certain intention, for a certain purpose, and the ten agrees and unites with you, then they are already together in the right line.

Question: How can I check if I am in the right or only in the left line?

Answer: You are in one line if all three lines come together for you, and you are in the right line only when you are able to be in connection with someone and fully justify what comes to you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/13/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning Help that Comes from Above”

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Working With The Right Line
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Right And Left Lines

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