Life Is a Moment

552.02Comment: There is a story by Alan Mayer called “Bad Luck.”

I awoke to searing pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said. “You were lucky to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago. But you’re safe now here in this hospital.”
Weakly, I asked, “Where am I?”
“Nagasaki,” she said.

My Response: Nagasaki was bombed a few days later.

Question: Yes. Today there is a feeling in the world that you cannot be safe anywhere. Will it happen that I was, for example, in Hiroshima, but woke up in Nagasaki?

Answer: Yes. We will calmly experience every day with the realization that every moment may be the last.

Question: Is the world being brought to such a state now?

Answer: What is wrong with that?

Question: What is good about it?

Answer: It is very good! Because it drives us to properly evaluate ourselves and our lives.

Question: So you are saying that if I live with this, then I will live every minute as the last?

Answer: Yes. It is going to be good.

Comment: Mankind has never lived like this.

My Response: Of course not.

Question: And is it being brought to this point now?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What does it mean to live this minute, this moment as it should be, as the last?

Answer: Give yourself to the flow of life, to the Creator. In general, give away all of yourself.

Question: And then, will I feel safe?

Answer: What safety? It is the exact opposite of what you want.

Question: So I am living this moment for others, every moment? Is this what life is called?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And I do not think about the next minute, about the next moment, about tomorrow, about anything?

Answer: Life is a moment between the past and the future.

Question: Yes, exactly. We sing it.

Is that good, do you think?

Answer: This is very good! Then a person feels above this existence.

Question: Is it possible to learn this?

Answer: It is possible. It depends on how deep a person can go into himself, how far he can break away from corporeality. He can.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/16/23

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