For the Shoots of the Spiritual Harvest to Sprout

947Question: I want to become similar to the Creator. What particularly attracts and gives me greatness of the Creator is His self-annulment, His humility, and the fact that He does everything and does not manifest Himself anywhere. How can one achieve this annulment, how can one achieve such a blessing?

Answer: It happens naturally. When a person engages in Kabbalah correctly, under the influence of the upper light, he receives such an impact from above that he becomes humble. What does he need? Just to lean on the Creator. This means to desire nothing except that all the goodness emanating from the Creator into this world will pass through the soil and the shoots will sprout.

Question: We are approaching the convention now. What advice would you give on how to achieve this annulment in the world group right at the convention?

Answer: Think that we all must be together in mutual annulment toward each other, and then from us will grow exactly the crop that needs to grow in the field and will feed all people in the world, both spiritually and physically.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/17/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Field that the Lord Has Blessed”

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