The Creator Will Hear Everything without Words

253Question: How do I treat states when it is unclear what the purpose the Creator gives them to me for is? How do I go through them correctly?

Answer: Just ask Him. Moreover, if you think that everything you go through you receive from Him, you have the right to turn to Him and ask any questions.

Question: When I am in the state of “storm,” it is as if it exposes me. At this moment, there is no time to ask the Creator questions. Would it be right just to grit my teeth, shut up, and stop myself?

Answer: Lie low and keep it to yourself. Slowly release what you want to say from your heart. Let the Creator gradually hear all this without words.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Commentary on the Psalm, ‘For the Winner over Roses’”

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