Continue the Friendship

934This is why they wanted to continue their friendship from before, from the time they were in the form of “Lord, I heard the report of You, and I am afraid” (Zohar, Beresheet 4:7). This means that with the strength they had extended from the past, they could endure the states and go from strength to strength. (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 101, “A Commentary on the Psalm, ‘For the Winner over Roses’”).

Question: What does it mean to continue a friendship as if this is a state that we can artificially take out of thin air? How does one continue a friendship?

Answer: To continue a friendship means to want concealment to go away and revelation to appear, the storm to subside so a soft, good state can be established in which we can connect.

The stronger the state of the storm, the more connected we become to each other. Even though the storm hinders us and separates us, on the other hand, it makes us cling to each other.

To continue our friendship, we need to help each other get out of our hurricane state that erases everything between us and does not allow us to connect.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Commentary on the Psalm, ‘For the Winner over Roses’”

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