Questions about Spiritual Work—59

281.02Question: Regarding the property of love for the Torah and for the Creator, does love include the property of fear?

Answer: They touch in some ways, but not necessarily. Love can extinguish any fear.

Question: You said one does not need to stand out among friends, but rather should go along with everyone. But then, how can one give an example to others?

Answer: If you do it for the sake of example, then it is another matter.

Question: How can a person help himself when the Creator disconnects him from spirituality?

Answer: The Creator does not disconnect anyone. By this feeling, He demands prayer from a person.

Question: Our main work in the Torah is morning lessons. Lately, after reading the article, you are asking what our impression is. What do you want to clarify by this?

Answer: Each article talks about something different. I want you to react to it or at least to some of its features.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/5/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Two Discernments in the Torah and in the Work”

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