Questions about Spiritual Work—56

281.01Question: How should we discover the desire and striving for the Creator: in faith above reason or in reason?

Answer: Both in reason and in faith above reason. With a bit of luck, you will figure it out.

Question: Through what actions can a person gain mercy in the eyes of the Creator?

Answer: Only through love for his friends.

Question: Can Bnei Baruch be called the spiritual world?

Answer: Of course. Bnei Baruch is a separate part of our world that strives for universal connection.

Question: What is the rigor of the performance of actions in improving the ten?

Answer: For all of you to be as close to each other as possible.

Question: Before entering Israel, Moses taught the people the laws of the Torah. How can we adopt these laws in a new way so that we can change egoism to bestowal?

Answer: “Love your neighbor as yourself” needs to be checked every day. How committed you are to this principle?
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/2/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And If the Way Be Too Far for You”

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