Questions about Spiritual Work—53

268_03Question: Why should receiving the Torah happen at the top of the mountain?

Answer: “Mountain” (Har) comes from the word “Hirhurim” –  doubts. Doubts constantly fill a person on the spiritual path, but despite them, he still goes forward and climbs the mountain, although it is not easy.

Question: What happens to a person when he receives the Torah?

Answer: He reveals the Creator, is filled with the upper light, and feels himself in the upper world. At the same time, our world does not disappear anywhere. It is just that a person feels like he exists in both worlds.

Question: What should we do when hatred appears between friends?

Answer: We all must attack this hatred together and try to remove it by any means: tear it up, trample it down, burn it.

Question: If a person studies the Torah with an open heart but without a calculation of intention, does he receive its light?

Answer: He receives it. In any case, the study of the Torah attracts the upper light to us: small or big, leading him forward or not, it gives some light.

Question: What is our mistake on the path when we walk, make efforts, and the Torah suddenly becomes the potion of death instead of the elixir of life?

Answer: This happens because you are striving for egoistic fulfillment. But you still keep making efforts, and eventually, the light of the Torah will be replaced by the light of purification, and you will know everything.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/29/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning the Giving of the Torah – 1”

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