Questions about Spiritual Work—51

253Question: We say that a person should be like a guy who thinks about a girl all the time. The girl in this example is the Creator. Who is the ten in this example?

Answer: The ten is a society that sets up a guy to connect with a girl.

Question: To build the right screen, do you need to know and keep the commandments, or is it just a work with the intention?

Answer: For now this is only work with the intention.

Question: What is the difference between faith and the Kelim of bestowal?

Answer: Faith is the quality of bestowal. And we need the Kelim (vessels) of bestowal in order to raise our faith to the Creator from them.

Question: You say that prayer must be complete so that it does not remain in the air. On the other hand, you say that the Creator will correct our prayer if it is wrong. Which prayer do we leave up in the air, and which one will the Creator correct?

Answer: The Creator decides this.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/25/23, Writing of Rabash “The Main Difference between a Beastly Soul and a Godly Soul”

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