Shake up a Person

289This means that when the Creator wants the wicked one to repent, He makes the netherworld so low for him that the wicked one himself does not want to be so. Hence, one needs to pray pleadingly that the Creator will show him the truth by adding to him the light of the Torah (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 47 “In the Place Where You Find His Greatness“).

Question: What does the fact that the Creator sends great trials to some people, but does not seem to send any trials to others depend on?

Answer: It depends not on the person himself, but on the root of his soul. Each of us receives signals that control us from there.

Question: If a person is in a peaceful state, does this mean that the Creator has to send him trials?

Answer: Yes, the Creator needs to do make him shake himself up a little.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/15/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “In the Place Where You Find His Greatness“

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