Higher Knowledge

276.04Question: It is said that the determination of whether our actions relate to holiness is made in relation to knowledge, because in holiness there is knowledge, while in the Sitra Achra there is not. But does the Sitra Achra also feed on the knowledge of holiness?

Answer: But the Sitra Achra does not manifest the knowledge of holiness because it represents the light of the Creator, which manifests itself precisely in the intention to bestow, in the intention to be connected with others.

But in this case, first you attract the light of Hassadim, and then the light of Hochma manifests in it. This is called higher knowledge.

Question: Which actions in the ten are good deeds that pertain to holiness and reveal joy?

Answer: Actions of giving, rapprochement, love, and desire to help friends, such actions are beneficial and help us get closer to the Creator and to the purpose of creation.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/22/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Joy Is a “Reflection” of Good Deeds“

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