The Way to Heaven through Hell

919Question: One of your videos talked about the road to heaven lies through hell. Michael  asks: “Does one not become cruel after going through hell?”

Answer: If a person goes through very serious trials, I would even say oppression, of course, it could make him cruel sometimes. But I have met people who, after suffering a lot in the dungeons of the NKVD [the Soviet People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs] and others, on the contrary, had their hearts aching for others, they empathized with them very much, and made them softer.

Question: Were there any that broke down?

Answer: Not that they broke down but assumed the same behavior and became like their guards.

Question: You say from time to time that suffering makes one softer. Those who have become better and begun to empathize, has suffering softened them? And those who have not, did they, in a way, say: “Then we will do the same too?”

Answer: Yes.

Question: Does it depend on anything or anyone?

Answer: It is virtually inexplicable.

Question: So it could be that a kind man entered the dungeons and came out as a beast, while a cruel man entered the dungeons and came out as a good man?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can this be explained?

Answer: I could not see cause and effect. I have talked to people for whom hitting their heads against a wall and losing consciousness was a break, a respite. Such were the sufferings.

And they came out as normal people, very compassionate.

Question: Is it very hard to explain?

Answer: Do not try to explain it now. This is a long story.

Question: Then let us “rise above the ground.” Is this path ordained for every person, one way or another?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Where does it come from? Where?

Answer: It is hard to say. I would simply say: we do not know.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/12/23

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The Way to Heaven Is Through Hell
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