Coming Closer and Uniting

624.04Question: Suppose you have an opponent who has certain qualities that you do not like. But when he becomes your ally, then, on the contrary, you start to appreciate his qualities. Is this acquiring the desires of others?

Answer: Of course. If you turn any person into someone close to you, then everything he has becomes your acquisition.

In spirituality nothing can be destroyed; things can only come closer and unite. You will see that even qualities that you initially thought were bad that when you approached someone with them, you wanted them not to have such qualities, but suddenly they become positive in your eyes and nothing needs to be changed.

There is no quality that is good or bad in itself. Everything depends on how it is used.

Question: How should we nevertheless accept the bad qualities?

Answer: Do not pay attention to them. You simply have to say, “I see everything incorrectly because of my egoism. After I unite with this person, I will see how to use all of his qualities correctly and how we can complement one another.”

Question: How does unity happen?

Answer: When you quarrel with your wife or girlfriend, then everything she has inside, you pull out as something negative. But when your relationship with her is good, then everything she has inside is loved and positive. Is this not clear?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Positive Qualities of a Maniac” 8/18/11

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