Questions about Spiritual Work—49

962.1Question: What does it mean that we have to choose work above reason every time, even in a situation where we see an opportunity to work within reason?

Answer: Working within reason does not lift us up the spiritual ladder. Only work above reason corrects and connects us.

Question: What is our next common state that we need to reach? What should be our ultimate goal, and where should we aim every day? For example, athletes have training every day, and their ultimate goal is to win the World Cup. What will be our victory in our championship?

Answer: We will reach victory only when we rise above reason in faith and try to constantly stay at this level.

Question: When can I make scrutinies with my friends?

Answer: At any time you can scrutinize where you are and try to reveal the common desire that you are in.

Question: How in the ten can we come to the realization that the force pushing us out of egoism is in it? How can we surrender to its influence and feel the common heart of the ten in order to reach a new state?

Answer: Rely on each other, then the Creator will be revealed between you and will start supplying His force to you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/16/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And Israel Saw the Egyptians“

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