Questions about Spiritual Work—46

234Question: What is the difference between bestowing for the sake of bestowing and receiving for the sake of bestowing?

Answer: Bestowing for the sake of bestowing is the level of Bina, and receiving for the sake of bestowing is the level of Hochma. There is a very big difference between them.

Question: Can it always be Hanukkah when you hope for the Creator’s help?

Answer: Yes, in this case you are in the state called Hanukkah.

Question: When a person finally comes to the realization that if the Creator does not help him, he is lost, is this a state of victory over the Greeks?

Answer: This is a very good state for a person because now he knows for sure that he needs the Creator.

Question: Is it possible, based on the realization that “there is none else besides Him” and faith above reason, to accept a peace agreement with egoism, and not break it, but to move further together with it along a path that would suit both?

Answer: No, it is impossible. Until you break it, nothing will happen. You must defeat egoism—each one within himself and all together in the whole world. Otherwise we are finished.

Question: We say that on Hanukkah a person has already overcome his evil inclination, the Din (judgment) has stopped, and he can work for bestowal. Why can we not just wait for the light of Shabbat to come, but we need to continue the fight?

Answer: The lights do not come automatically, but only after your struggle and your victory.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/13/23, Writings of Rabash “Greeks Have Gathered Around Me”

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