Prepare the Heart for Feeling the Creator

237Question: It is said that our effort is the work of the Torah. What does this mean? Is this internal work or physical work?

Answer: You will not help yourself or others with your physical work, only with your heart.

To the extent that you want to connect with your friends in your heart, you prepare your heart for feeling the Creator and revealing His light in the common Kli, in the common desire—yours and your friends.

Question: Why is it that only a small number of people are awarded with revealing a point in the heart?

Answer: There is probably no need for more.

When we connect with each other, we will be able to influence the whole world, and the world will feel how much it needs this knowledge and will begin to move toward everyone. Then, the light will fill us to the extent of our collective desire.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/27/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is He Will Give Wisdom Specifically to the Wise”

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