Coming Closer to Each Other Is the New World Order

275Question: You said that we should organize ourselves so that our connection defines the new world order. How do you see this, and how should we organize ourselves so that our connection defines it?

Answer: Every day every person on Earth should feel that he is entering into a new relationship with everyone, and that through this new relationship, he treats the Creator differently. In this way, he ascends the degrees of spiritual elevation.

Question: What is the Creator for all the people on Earth?

Answer: The upper force.

Question: What kind of relationship should every person on Earth enter into with everyone daily?

Answer: Coming closer to each other.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/28/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, “The Children of Esau and Ishmael Did Not Want to Receive the Torah,” in the Work?”

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