Questions about Spiritual Work—55

138Question: Several friends always wake up an hour before the lesson to prepare. How can I increase the germ of envy toward them?

Answer: We need to raise the importance of preparation in ourselves. A person who prepares for a lesson gets a lot more from the lesson than the lesson gives.

Question: How can you properly attach external Kelim to yourself?

Answer: With love. And then there will not be any problems.

Question: My ten is getting closer to me than my family, as if it lives in my mind all the time. Many things that used to interest me are no longer valuable to me. Does this mean that I have a good connection with the ten?

Answer: Yes, because this is how you begin to feel your soul.

Question: Why, by imagining some states, although they are all fantasies and not real, do we get to the right spiritual degrees?

Answer: It is normal. That is how you progress. You stumble, but eventually, you crawl to the upper degree, like a small child who, unable to go up the stairs, climbs them.

Question: What is the difference between the concepts of “house” and “temple”? These are different Kelim (vessels). How are they different?

Answer: The temple is a home for many souls placed there and from there they cry out to the Creator from their unity.

A house is a family that lives in it and aspires to the Creator or maybe not. In other words, the house is for the family, and the temple is for the souls.

Question: Can one envy the Creator?

Answer: Yes. We want to become like the Creator, so we envy all His qualities, which we want to resemble. This point is called our correction.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/31/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Are Three Things that Broaden One’s Mind in the Work?”

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