The Bestowal Game

938.05Question: Do we all have only the nature of receiving for ourselves or do we have sprouts of bestowal after all?

Answer: In each of us there is a rudimentary desire to bestow.

Question: Why does bestowal taste bitter?

Answer: Because it is against our natural desire to receive and enjoy.

Question: How can one be worthy to feel the taste of bitterness in order to prevent actions of reception for oneself?

Answer: This can be felt best among friends. By the way you treat them, you can immediately determine whether you are in reception or in bestowal.

Question: Is it possible to attract the light of the Creator by playing bestowal and subsequently become a giver?

Answer: Of course, that is how it works.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/18/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam, Shamati 16 “What Is the Day of the Lord and the Night of the Lord, in the Work?“

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