The Quality of Spies

562.03Question: What is this quality of spies in Israel? It would seem that it is the quality of faith above reason because they have already passed the desert and experienced so much, and suddenly the quality of spies is revealed.

Answer: The quality of spies is already entrance into the state of above reason, and before that there was just preparation.

Question: How does faith above reason, which we can develop, cancel all the forces that are acting in the world?

Answer: It cancels them because it comes from the Creator. Faith above reason is a type of adhesion to the Creator, not with the help of reason, but with the help of faith.

Question: If I am already in adhesion with the Creator, what is the difference between whether I adhere to Him in reason or in faith?

Answer: I cannot explain this. You should learn to understand this so that such internal organs are formed in you that would feel it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/23/23, Writings of Rabash “He who Hardens His Heart“

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