Questions about Spiritual Work—24

962.2Question: Is it possible to imagine that my egoism is a Creator, but it is a bad Creator?

Answer: This is not the Creator. It is a quality specially created by the Creator to help us focus on the Creator who is good and radiates goodness.

Question: What actions should we take to feel the depth of unity in the ten?

Answer: Actions for connection. They also lead us to a sense of unity, its size, depth, etc. We do not need anything else except connection between us.

Question: When we reveal the lack of similarity of qualities within reason, the methodology recommends that we go by faith above reason. How does faith compensate for the lack of equivalence of form?

Answer: Faith does not compensate for the lack of equivalence of form; it helps us get closer to the Creator, although there is still a difference in qualities between Him and a person. Then the qualities are aligned to some extent, and a person begins to feel the Creator more, so it goes from step to step.

Question: In the book Shamati, it is written that a person while even in the worst possible state should not leave the governance of the Creator. How is this possible?

Answer: If one feels oneself under the governance of the Creator, then he or she must continue to make efforts not to get out of this governance.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/11/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

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