Questions about Spiritual Work—22

1.02Question: How do we awaken love for our friends?

Answer: If I think about it for a long time, if I try to connect with my friends and realize that otherwise I will not achieve the goal of creation and love for the Creator, then my heart gradually opens up, and I come to love my friends. We have to work on ourselves. It’s not easy.

Question: How can we plunge into the ocean of love at the convention, among so many friends and dear hearts where we all see and feel each other?

Answer: There is no hardship here. You just have to imagine that each of you opens your heart and lets all the participants of the convention in.

Question: Usually egoism does not allow us to accept love. How can we set our hearts to accept the love of our friends, to give them the opportunity to be bestowers?

Answer: This is a problem because in this case we feel obligated to others. This is what egoism resists.

Question: There is a powerful connection around the center of the ten. It is like a sphere in which the greatness of the Creator is revealed. When we move away from the center, connection is felt less. Is my task to feel the boundaries of connection and how to narrow or expand them?

Answer: No, by no means. You want the whole ten to be like one single whole.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/27/23, “Preparation for Opening the Heart at the Congress”

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