Questions about Spiritual Work—23

281.02Question: We spoke about shame often at this convention. Why is it that after every action, be it prayer or a duty, we experience doubts and I fear whether I did the right thing or not?

Answer: It is in order to move you even further in a more correct way and so that you assess yourself correctly. Therefore, this is good.

Question: At the convention, at the gathering of friends, one of us started talking and began to cry, and I also unexpectedly started crying like many others. Then, when the friends were talking at the meal, there was an instant connection. I have never seen such a concentration of the opening of the heart. But it was unclear what we should do next with this opening of the heart?

Answer: Grab the Creator, force Him to come down to you and fill you. This is what you should do. But it will come instinctively. You will succeed.

Question: How can we open our hearts to each other and the entire congress and at the same time think about the future so that our work will benefit the next generations the way we receive benefit from those who have gone through this path before us?

Answer: If we try to move forward in an ever-increasing connection between us, then undoubtedly the Creator will help us and accompany us, and so we will reach the goal.

Question: There is a feeling that there is some kind of confusion in our expression of love because there are constant clarifications. Where are we wrong? How can we more accurately do what you and Rabash advise?

Answer: You constantly make mistakes and stumble. At the same time, you always have to clarify what you stumbled over, where you fell, and how to get up and keep going. Keep searching!
From the 2nd part of the Lesson of the International Kabbalistic Convention “Opening Hearts” 9/30/23, Lesson 2 “Connecting As One Man with One Heart”

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