Questions about Spiritual Work—20

281.02Question: The Creator completely controls us, but we do not permit ourselves to agree with this good governance. It is as if we are telling Him that I will fulfill everything that comes from You, but only to the extent that I agree. How can we agree here and now with the good governance of the Creator without thinking and analyzing, but going by faith above reason?

Answer: We need to gradually create a desire in us that will lead us to the recognition that the Creator is good and He leads us to absolute goodness. This will gradually work out when we overcome all our disturbances.

Question: What is this temple of holiness that we have to build? What is it built of?

Answer: It is built from our good relationship between us and the correct attitude to the Creator.

Question: Our task is to act. But if we do not have an intention yet, can the number of actions in spirituality turn into a quality, an intention?

Answer: Of course it can. We must begin with the mechanical actions of coming closer to each other. In these actions, we will gradually discover completely different sensations and will come closer together and closer to the upper force. So, keep acting.

Question: It is written that only the Kli performs the action. Why is the spreading of light not considered an action of the Creator?

Answer: Because it depends on our Kelim (Vessels): we cause the spreading of light, that is, the revelation of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/15/23, “Rosh Hashana”

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