Questions about Spiritual Work—17

294.2Question: How is the memory of past states of ascent and descent useful to us, and how do we use it correctly?

Answer: We have experience, and therefore it is good that we do not forget past states. We can apply them to present states and anticipate future ones. This is how we learn.

Question: How is the Creator’s humility manifested?

Answer: By the fact that everything comes from Him, but He conceals Himself.

Question: Is it possible to be in constant striving for faith above reason?

Answer: You cannot be in it all the time, but you should strive for it every time you have such an opportunity.

Question: How can we direct our connection to unity with the Creator?

Answer: Everyone should turn together from every heart to the Creator, and you need nothing else.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/21/23, “The Need for the Creator’s Salvation”

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