Two People Is Also A “Group Of Ten”

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why doesn’t the Creator hear us if we are less than ten?

Answer: This actually is not true. It isn’t about a group of ten that you can actually count, but about a finite fixed desire, which as a result of our connection actually becomes strong and real.

It makes no difference if 50 or 80 people participate in it. In spirituality the quantity is not taken into account, but only the quality. When I say that the lower level is ten times further away from the upper level, I refer to a qualitative measure and not a quantitative one.

On the whole, it says that the minimum of many is two, when each one can exit himself and rise above his ego and connect to another, so even two can be called “a group of ten.”

This is a conditional term. In our world we measure the quantity while in spirituality we measure the quality. But although we use the words of this world, we have to understand that here it refers to real changes.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/25/13, Question and Answers with Dr. Laitman

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