Questions about Spiritual Work—109

939.02Question: When we walk together on the path, what is our roadmap to stay on it without deviating?

Answer: Your roadmap is your increasingly warm attitude toward your friends and their increasingly warm attitude toward the Creator. You just need to open your heart, warm it from within more and more, and get used to living like this.

Question: What form of our connection can provide nourishment to the world?

Answer: By uniting as one person with one heart, we fully connect to the Creator and can receive everything we need from Him.

Question: How can we avoid being stubborn donkeys in the field?

Answer: Hold onto your friends and ask the Creator. It seems simple, but it is difficult to implement.

Question: If the ten connects correctly, the next state should be better than the previous one. How can we evaluate this correctly?

Answer: The state may be higher, but whether it is negative or positive depends on the individual, on what level they should be, and how they should realize this degree.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/24, Writings of Rabash “Love of Friends – 1”

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