What Does the Righteous See?

237Question: We know that a righteous is one who fully justifies the Creator and sees everything as perfect. But the righteous Mordechai saw a flaw in the people, he saw the division. So was he a sinner at that moment?

Answer: No, the righteous see the picture as it is. It is not about eyes being closed. The righteous sees a clear picture of the entire universe.

We constantly check what state we are in, each relative to himself and each other.

When there is connection, unity, and love between us, we have spiritual power. We can do something. If we do not, we are powerless.

We must get closer to each other to be like one man, Adam, similar to the Creator. That is the kind of unity we should have between us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

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From the Position of the Righteous

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