Second and Third Days of Creation

746.02On the second day of creation, a space was created in the middle of the water, separating the upper and lower waters, and this space is called the firmament.

The upper and lower waters differ between the forces that rush toward the Creator and those that rush in the opposite direction.

Question: On the third day, the Creator created dry land, and greenery began to grow. Can this be correlated with a person’s vegetative level of desire?

Answer: Yes, sure. Creatures display new data and opportunities to see more deeply and clearly what the Creator has done. But in principle, all this development begins on the first day.

Question: Do you mean spiritual desires and not the egoistic desires of our world?

Answer: No, there is a parallel between this and this; when two opposing forces manifest themselves in matter within the framework of time, space, and movement, it turns out to be a cause-and-effect relationship.

The Torah describes the creation of all kinds of forces or the principles on which these forces are based.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/21/24

Related Material:
The First Day of Creation
Heaven and Earth—Two Opposite Desires
“Let There Be A Firmament”

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